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Noise Makers

 The Pine AM class has been all about experimenting with sounds. Whether it's with instruments, vocalizations, or just random objects around the room these boys like to make noise! Earlier this year J demonstrated his ability to keep a beat and show some understanding of rhythm. He really blew us away while he kept the same rhythm to songs we would play throughout the morning. Since then, J has continued to experiment with all kinds of objects around the room to see what kinds of noises they make. 

J discovered that he likes to drop items, like marbles, from a high point and hear them crash into whatever lies beneath. He erupts in giggles and laughter when he hears a particular sound he likes and then continues to practice until something else catches his attention. 

Today J explored sounds with the drum, some cookie sheets, marbles, and a marble tower. He was fascinated with hearing the marbles hit different surfaces and interested in creating a whole new set of sounds. He carefully watched the marbles as they tumbled from his hands onto the cookie sheets below. As each one plopped onto the tin his eyes lit up and he was ready to do it again. He listened to the marbles roll around when he picked up the tray and carefully dumped them one by one onto the tower. J studied the marbles as they circled leisurely through each funnel and made their final destination to the cup below. He giggled and seemed satisfied with his play.  I love being able to observe the world the way J does through his curiosity and wonder. 


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