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Back at It

 We welcomed back most of our class today so as you can imagine, it was a really great Monday! The boys had a great time navigating the classroom again and getting back into a routine. Every week we try and switch up the different materials they have access to unless they show interest in something in particular. Lately, the boys have really been interested in playing with all kinds of balls. They have been featured a lot on the blog, but that's because their interest and play with them is ever evolving. It will probably always be an option, but we also want to expand their play and social skills. 

While using the balls on a ramp was still an choice this morning, some of the boys were very curious about the office supplies lying across a table. J was the first to notice one machine with just numbers. If you guessed adding machine, you are right! J began pressing each number as he said them outloud. He continued to scan the machine and pressing each button getting a kick out of the clicks and clacks it made. 

This caught the attention of L who has shown a fondness for J. He wandered over and watched as J pressed the buttons and made the clicking noises with his fingers. L watched and waited in anticipation hoping to make the same noises as his friend. 

L used his little pointer finger to press each button. He vocalized his happiness as he tapped each number and creating the desired clicking noises. 

B never misses an opportunity to play with his friends so he immediately came over to join them. He sat down and opened up the laptop in front of him. He must have learned a lot during shelter in place order over the last 10 months because he immediately began typing away. As he typed he would occasionally say "mommy" and "daddy" which I interpreted as him making a connection to home. He would glance up every once in a while to make sure I was still watching and then get back to typing and pointing at his screen. It was hilarious! 

I love to watch how each boy interacts with the materials around them. For J he was intrigued by the numbers and letters across each board. He was content singing the "ABC" song as he hit each letter separately on the keyboard. L liked being a part of the group and pressing buttons to make the noises. He often smiled and exclaimed in happiness when he found he was successful in his attempts. B was imitating a behavior he has seen both at home and at school, getting down to business and typing away. 

By the time we reached the collaboratory B and T needed to take a quick rest. It's tough coming back to school on a rainy Monday! We are all so happy to have them all back and healthy. It's going to be a great week, I can feel it 😊


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