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Innovation at Its Finest

 We got to explore a new area of the playscape today! We now have a new zone in which the kids got to demonstrate all kinds of play skills. The zone itself has a really cool observation deck as well as a small hill. We have had to get pretty creative in our play in some zones because they don't always include a slide or something to climb on. Our boys have gotten pretty innovative now that we are restricted to certain areas in order to stay with just our class. 

Today, A really brought out some of his innovation when he climbed onto a broken down cardboard box that was sitting at the top of the hill. He glanced over to me and then back at the hill. I walked over and realized he probably wanted to "sled" down the hill. A giggled as he slid down the mulch hillside. It was a quick ride, but once he got to the bottom he stood back up and climbed to the top of the hill indicating that he wanted to do it again. 

Some other friends noticed A sledding down the hill and instantly wanted to join in!

B sat down and told A to "sit" so they could travel down the hill together. B wrapped his arms around A's midsection and the two boys slid slowly down the hill together. It was so sweet! Even though we don't have any snow, A was able to figure out another way to play on the hill, but he didn't stop there! 

The Dogwood class brought out a ramp for some different construction trucks. A, on the other hand, wasn't interested in using the trucks. Instead, A took it upon himself to make a slide! 

It was pretty amazing to watch A figure out he could use this ramp as a slide for himself rather than a car, ball, or truck! It can sometimes be hard going to certain areas of the playscape because it often feels like we are bringing out half of our classroom to keep the boys engaged. Today, however, A proved that with just a little bit of time and exploration he could figure out a way to make a game for himself. Love to see it! 


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