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Making Music

This morning we continued our conversation about families. Since we started the book "My Family Plays Music" yesterday, we decided to finish the book today. Yesterday, many of the kids talked about how some of their own family members played instruments just like the characters in the book! 

"My daddy plays guitar and sometimes I play guitar too."
"My mommy plays the drums with me."
"My brother plays the trumpet!"
"We have a piano at home and my dad plays these kinds of drums that you put in your lap!"

Today, the kids wanted to try out the instruments we have here at school. As we read the book, each child played the instrument that was featured on that page. Some kids played drums, while others played tambourines, and maracas. They shared the instruments with one another and passed them along while talking about the different sounds they heard. 

There were so many instruments in the book that we didn't have, but they all recognized. 
"I saw an organ at the church my grandma and grandpa go to in Hilton Head!"
"I saw an organ too at a church."
"We don't have a cello at school or a saxophone."
"I have seen a piano in real life before!"
"I sometimes play guitar with my daddy."

The kids have really enjoyed sharing a little bit about their families this week. They are able to make connections with one another and talk a little bit about what they do when they are at  home. We love to hear stories about home and what cool things everyone does outside of school. 


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