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Working on the Submarine

After a week off from working on the submarine, the Pine kids got back to it. 
"We need to color on it!"
"Yeah, we can draw it rainbow."
"Let's make it rainbow!"

The kids grabbed different colored crayons and got to work by quickly scribbling back and forth. 

"Wait, we aren't making it a rainbow. We should just draw whatever we want on it."
"We need the windows too!"
"Let's do the windows tomorrow."

The kids continued to talk about what the submarine needed and made a plan in which they needed to complete each task. 
"I think we need to cut the windows out tomorrow."

"We can all draw our own stuff."
"I am going to make a rainbow."
"I am going to start on the inside, it needs to be colored too!"

The submarine project has really started to take shape as the kids discuss while they work. They come up with ideas on how to construct it, what needs to happen next, and even started delegating different tasks to one another. Way to go, Pine! 


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