Yesterday, before the snow, a few friends were working hard on creating small structures with various sized blocks.
"We are building a house the big bad wolf can't knock over!"
"It has to be a brick house."
E & C chose the blocks they used very carefully. C stacked a long rectangle block on the very top of their tower.
"He will climb the rook and use this as a bridge!"
C then demonstrated how the big bad wolf was going to walk across the top of the house using the newly built bridge.
"But I think we need to make it stronger so he can't get in!"
C started stacking blocks one on top of the other to make the roof of the house stronger.
C finished constructing the top of the house when E noticed something was missing.
"We need the 'stop' block to stop the big bad wolf from coming in the house!"
E propped the 'stop' block up against the house.
By the end of the day the structure had changed, but the play continued into today.
V focused on creating an "enclosure for all of the dangerous animals."
"But we need more 'stop' sign blocks so people know not to go inside because they are dangerous!"
By the end of the day E, V, & C had created a small city that included two enclosures, a house, and the ocean with a sail boat floating alongside.
It's been so interesting to watch the structures and towers change, but the play stay the same. They continue to talk about what is needed to make buildings stronger, what signs they need to create to warn others, and the different kind of buildings they need. It's been so fun to watch their play evolve over several days!
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