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Showing posts from September, 2024

Happy Monday

 Welcome back Pine Friends! We are practicing our new word HELP and reviewing our words GO and STOP. Our jobs have changed as well as our color study. We are moving on from Pink and into the world of Blue! Ms Erica brought in something special for us today....caterpillars!

Caper Thursday

 We had a capering good time exploring Birch, Magnolia, and Sycamore rooms!

Pine room is rocking and rolling

 Today we were experimenting with items to see if they would roll down the hill. We practiced our severe weather drill and rocked it!

Hunting for Pink

 Today on our walk and visit to the forest we were hunting for things that are the color Pink. 

Week 4 begins

 This week we have changed our word to HELP while we continue to practice GO. We are studying the letter Bb and the color Pink.