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Showing posts from February, 2024

end of the week is here

 We had a really fun week together. We attended a Safe Touch presentation and kiddos get a take home book for families to discuss. I am also sending home some updated pictures of Pine friends and teachers! Your kiddos also participated in an earthquake drill and did great! I mean who doesn't love crawling under tables?! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday 2/28

 So maybe it's still winter???

Tues Feb 27th

 Is it summer???!!!

Happy Monday!

 It is a beautiful day especially for February. Maybe the groundhog was right about an early Spring?! This week we are focusing on the words I SEE, art inspired by Louis Wain, and building with various kinds of building materials. We continue to keep small world and sensory table open. To explore movement we put out colored tape for friends to make their own hopscotch or obstacle course on the carpet.

Feb 22

 Can you believe it's February?! The weather was so incredible we capered outside again! Have a great weekend :)

Feb 21