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Showing posts from December, 2023

Nearing the end...

 Happy Wednesday! We had so much fun having our Stuffies/Lovies join our class today :) Tomorrow is PJ day. Please make sure to check your kiddo's backpack for something special!

Happy Tuesday

We had a wonderful day wearing cozy sweaters, watching a special winter video, and hosting a parent pop with a special snack and play time with our loved ones. Remember, tomorrow is bring your favorite stuffed animal/character and wear an AFC shirt if you own one. Thursday is PJ day!

Only a few more days...

 Happy Monday! Thank you to Samuel for gifting us some wonderful items off our wishlist! He had so much fun opening the boxes today and all friends were excited to see our new items. We can't wait to play with them :) Today we were supposed to wear our favorite color or something plaid but a lot of us forgot, oops! Remember, tomorrow is dress in favorite cozy (holiday) sweater! We are hosting parents to pop in at 10:45 for a little snack with your kiddo and some fun dancing to end our day together!!! Wednesday is bring your favorite stuffie/lovie and wear an AFC shirt. Thursday is PJ day.

Thursday 12/14

 Happy Thursday Pine Family! We had a special treat today listening to the Bristol Bravos perform for us.  Please note that next week is a fun week: Monday 12/18- Wear your favorite color Tuesday 12/19- Parent Pop In! Join us at 10:45 for a special snack and some fun Wednesday 12/20- Bring your favorite stuffie/lovey Thursday 12/21- Wear PJs

Wednesday 12/13

 Another day of missing teachers and students, when will everyone be healthy?! Ms. Amy came in today to lead our circle time. We also enjoyed some fresh air on the playscape.  ***Next week we want to have some fun: Monday 12/18- Wear your favorite color Tuesday 12/19- Parent Pop In! Join us at 10:45 for a special snack and some fun Wednesday 12/20- Bring your favorite stuffie/lovey Thursday 12/21- Wear PJs