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Showing posts from November, 2023

Happy Tuesday

Welcome Back!

 I hope you all enjoyed some wonderful time together over break! I was happy to see how many friends cam back to school with a big smile and no tears :)  We are exploring new words this week, ask your kiddo if they can tell you what they are! (IN & OUT) We introduced a new special activity to our flow of the day: Baby Doll Circle Time. I will send home information about this in case you are curious what it's all about. 

Happy day before break

Today we discussed being thankful and what we are thankful for. I hope you all have many things to be thankful for and will enjoy your long break at home together. The Pine room teachers are truly thankful for you sharing your loved ones with us! See you Monday :)

Pics from last week

 Sorry these were missed on Wed....

Happy Monday!

 Welcome to week #14! It is a short week but we always make sure to pack in the fun and learning! We decided that tomorrow would be a great day to wear PJs to school!