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Showing posts from February, 2023

Happy Tuesday!

 Happy Happy Birthday to our friend O! He loves Mickey and friends helped him celebrate by wearing Mickey today too. He was so excited to share his favorite book with us and we were excited to sing him Happy Birthday! The Pine Family loves to show love to each other and celebrate happy days together! We also had spent this beautiful day exploring in the forest. Some of our friends REALLY enjoyed splashing in the mud puddle!

Happy Monday! *There are now pictures!*

 Hello Pine Family! It is great to be back; I missed your sweet faces so much! I hope everyone had a great, short week together last week. I know you didn't get any pictures on the Blog, but it sounds like much fun was had.  Today we started another wonderful week were we play, laugh, and learn together. Our focus words are HEAR and LISTEN and our good question word is WHAT? We will be exploring animals, more specifically their footprints! Our kitchen is open for business and I can't wait to see what our friends cook up. Last we are going to work on some physical skills with some fun games balancing, grabbing, and throwing.