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Showing posts from August, 2020

Welcome Back!

    Wow it is so good to back with the Pine class! Even though our numbers are small, we are mightier than ever. Today L & N took the time to become acclimated to the space by exploring different toys, trying out new routines, and getting to know one another. We were also visited by Ms. Kari where we started on some new words of the week: on/off/ mask.  The boys did a fantastic job wearing their masks and taking care of their own water bottles throughout the morning. We are so excited for this year!  N showed off his skills of being to take off his own socks and shoes! Way to go!  L enjoyed digging his toes in the sand!  It was such a good morning getting to know each other all over again. The boys love to dance, draw, play with animals, and dig around in the sand. Looking forward to rest of the week 😊