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Showing posts from August, 2019


This morning the Pine kids joined with the Dogwood class to participate in our weekly capers. They explored different activities and started making new friends from next door. Dogwood friends helped add to our gak contraption and even found a new way to use our tubes.  Thank you for all who could come out last night! If you have questions in the future please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a great and safe weekend! See you all on Tuesday 😊 Teddy used some connectors to make a camera, he told his friends to say "Cheese!" "Squeeze!" "It's loud! I can hear him talking!" Trying out the new sensory wall before it's hung up! "It feels so soft. It's like a blanket." "Let's get inside the tubes!" "It needs to move. It's not working." "It won't go up. How do we get it to move?"

Launching Materials

The Pine kids continued their exploration using different materials to launch rockets and cardboard cutouts into the air. They were given more materials than yesterday to figure out how to rebuild the launching mechanism.  "Look, we made it like this. We can use the popsicle sticks." "I made it kind of like a bridge. It still works." "It's flying up so high!" "I made a seesaw with this one yesterday. It just goes like this." "We can use this for a seesaw too. It can spin around." "I need these blocks to block it from rolling off." The boys finally realized (the video cut off 😕) that if they knocked the block over, it would have the same effect of using your hand to push it down. It was so cool! 


Wow, what a day we had in Pine today. While playing with the gak, one friend started investigating other ways to use materials presented at the table. The focus of gak quickly shifted to using the rulers as a sort of launch pad for the gems & "rockets." The whole class was immersed in the idea of being able to launch different materials high into the air. We continued to use go, stop, want, and more. Taking turns was also a huge part of our day that everyone is starting to understand. Such a fun day!  "It flew  up!" "We put the rocket right here, then we hit it." "We can used stuffed animals too. They won't hurt anyone." "I can show everyone how to do it." "I'm trying to get it in the basket." "I think the bigger one will work." "Look, I made a seesaw for the rockets." "The bigger one worked!"